Tampax, pads or cups?

Since most girls are not given choices and are not spoken to about what to do when they get their first period, most girls tend to do whatever their friends are doing. But, what happens if you do not have friends who talk about these things? Or what happens if girls are simply too timid to discuss these topics? The assumption that all this information is provided to all girls in school or by their mothers is simply not true.
I remember that in my days most younger girls were recommended to use pads. Tampons or whatever insertables that existed were for older girls, women or mothers. I, however, was athletic and for me the idea of having this thick pad between my legs was gross. Being on the track team and loving to run and high jump, made this thick pad just get in my way. I very quickly figured out that I would just have to steal tampons from my mother. The first time I put one in it was such a relief.
Since my mother and I never spoke about these things I knew eventually she would realize that hers were missing. I decided to use my own money to buy my first box. It was so embarrassing going into the drug store. I was hoping no one I knew would see me. I had no idea what to buy. I didn't know they came in sizes so I just bought exactly what my mother used. Then I had to go to the cashier and pay. I was mortified. How could I even look up to give the money to the cashier? I was so hoping it would be a woman. This at least would be less humiliating. As she was giving me my change I never looked up at her. I quickly left the store hoping that no one had seen me.