The 10 pounds you never needed

I have listened to women over the years tell me they used to look like me. I always laugh about this because I have basically been the same weight for most of my life. The common 10 pounds that women dread happens because women continue to look to the classic fitness standards and recommendations for weight loss. Burning calories for weight loss actually stops working about a decade before menopause. The cardio workouts that always worked when you were in your 20s, 30s and early 40s actually cause you to gain weight over time. The continuous impact to all the joints slows down the metabolic rate of the body. The reflexes in the feet are no longer boosting the body energy, the spinal nerve roots which enervate organs are slowing down due to all the continuous compression and impact to the spine. In short, all the years of high impact exercise causes weight gain at menopause. You simply must change the way you work with your body at this age. You need to work to get the impact out of the bones, and joints. You need to work to stimulate the reflex points in the feet to boost your metabolism. You need to work directly into the abdomen to stimulate and boost digestion and begin to turn your digestive organs back on. In short, you have to directly penetrate into your body parts and stimulate them. Why not start younger? While you are working out in high intensity add some of the Yamuna work into your workout and avoid shutting down your body due to all the impact. This is where Yamuna Body Rolling, Foot Fitness, and Save Your Body Parts series can absolutely turn the body back on and improve metabolism, increase range of motion, and improve bone quality and muscle tone.